This time around, we would like to introduce to you a short real estate market analysis check of the district Berlin Charlottenburg based on the data of Immoscout24.

This diagram shows the regional distribution of purchase prices per m² in Berlin Charlottenburg. This is based on real closing prices from the ImmobilienScout24 network.

Here you can see the distribution of offers and requests depending on the size of the property. In total, the approx. 750 objects on offer face approx. 18,200 inquiries / requests.
While the vast majority, about 64% of the offers, has an area between 26 m² and 95 m² of living space, it tends to be that 58% of flats with an area of 56m² to 110m² are in demand. Of course, the 20-fold amount of requests can not be satisfied.

Here the requests and offers were divided according to the rooms. With 28% and more than 5,000 applications, the most popular are the 3-3.5-room apartments, closely followed by 2-2.5-room and 4-room housing applications, each with 21% and approx. 3,900 applications.
61% of the offers consist of 2-3.5-room apartments, but are represented with the total of about 460 apartments offered at just under one-twentieth of demand.
The market for 1-1.5-room apartments looks there with 16-fold demand with only about 110 apartments offered, relatively relaxed.

All in all, there has been a continuous demand for real estate in Berlin-Charlottenburg for years, if one considers the price increase between the quarters, then in 2017 and 2018 the average was about 3-4%.
Extrapolated to the years, this results in a price increase of 161% since 2007 to an average of about 3874 € / m².

In the development, around one-quarter of the multi-family houses and the industrial buildings, and 15% of the single-family homes are represented.

14% of the residents of Charlottenburg had less than € 1,500 per month, the majority with about 62% a monthly income between € 1,500 and € 3,600 and about a quarter a higher income than € 3,600.

The district's population structure is very well-balanced, with 44% of middle-aged residents between the ages of 30 and 60 years old, 29% of the population are younger than 30, and a sizeable 26% aged are over 60 years old.
All data and graphics were provided by Immoscout24.