The German Energy Pass

A informative energy pass, bearing the seal of the German Energy Agency, must be issued when a house is built new, is getting expanded or gets modified..

If the builder is also the owner of the house he has to take care of the energy pass and he also has to request it. In general all the details regarding to the energetic characteristics of the house are written in this pass.

When the energy pass is made they only regard on the energetic useful area. He has a validity of 10 years. 

In the past an energy pass was more a way to compare the energy efficiency of your home with that of others and, perhaps, make improvements. However, since the Energy Saving Ordinance 2014 the requirements of an energy pass have become more precise, such as the requirement that an energy pass must be available to those interested in it while a flat viewing, but only if you already have one.

More over it is to say that such an energy certificate does not draw any conclusions about the actual energy consumption of a house, since the exhibition is based on a standard climate and a standard use, like the same temperature without any changes coming in normally by airing or similar.

Energy classes of Germany overview:



Endenergiebedarf oder


Ungefähre jährliche Energiekosten pro m² Wohnfläche


unter 30 kWh/(m²a)

Weniger als 2 Euro


30 bis unter 50 kWh/(m²a)

2 Euro


50 bis unter 75 kWh/(m²a)

3 Euro


75 bis unter 100 kWh/(m²a)

4 Euro


100 bis unter 130 kWh/(m²a)

5 Euro


130 bis unter 160 kWh/(m²a)

6 Euro


160 bis unter 200 kWh/(m²a)

7 Euro


200 bis unter 250 kWh/(m²a)

8 Euro


über 250 kWh/(m²a)

9 Euro

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