Real estate prices in Germany forecast for 2023

German real estate price forecast for 2023-2024 - Analysts expect real estate prices in Germany to decline. Rising lending rates are pressuring real estate buyers and homeowners alike. Many banks have significantly increased lending rates and tightened lending conditions, making real estate financing more expensive and unprofitable for investors.

According to the analytical press, property prices in major German cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart could fall by 20 to 30% over the next 3 to 5 years. Rents in these cities have been rising far more slowly than real estate prices. The overvaluation in these cities is 20-30%.

If you are planning to sell your house soon, you should act quickly so that you can sell at a higher price. The price increase in the real estate market in Germany has passed and all analysts expect prices to fall by about five percent from 2023, and even up to 10% if the crisis continues.

Do you want to sell your property in Germany? Check the price of your property today. LEAVE A MESSAGE IN THE CHATBOX OR SEND AN E-MAIL.

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