Outsourcing in Germany

In the modern business community, outsourcing issues are gaining considerable interest, since this optimization tool for managing the company's operations reduces the costs of the main activities through the withdrawal of non-core production, with the subsequent restructuring of the organizational structure and the development of active areas of innovation policy.

Outsourcing is the attraction of various external resources related to the transfer of business processes and / or some business functions to external management in order to minimize costs, improve quality and other strategic goals, allowing to increase the competitiveness of the company.

Modern outsourcing is a type of optimization of the company's activity based on the withdrawal / transfer of certain functions of the company beyond its limits, on the basis of contractual relations with an organization - an outsourcer.

Outsourcing refers to the transfer of non-core functions of an enterprise and all related assets to the management of a professional contractor or outsourcer.

The classification of outsourcing partnerships is carried out depending on the scope of functions delegated to the outsourcer and the distribution of risks and responsibilities between the participants of such relations.

In this regard, outsourcing relationships are classified:

· Partial or selective outsourcing;

· Transformational outsourcing;

· Intermediate outsourcing;

· Restructuring outsourcing;

· Full or maximum outsourcing.

Regardless of the type of outsourcing relationship, the responsibility for the performance of the transferred functions lies to the greatest extent with the outsourcer.

The main idea of ​​switching to outsourcing is that outsourcing services cost the enterprise less than independent management of non-core activities and reduce the cost of transferred functions. At the outsourcer, the transferred functions are cheaper, due to the fact that it has a narrow specialization and a spectacular scale with the same type of services provided for several customers. With their narrow profile and specialization, outsourcers, as a rule, use highly qualified personnel and connections developed over the years.


Thus, outsourcing is a modern management strategy for any company that contributes to reducing operating costs, concentrating on core business, creating a variable cost structure, accessing advanced technologies and knowledge, increasing the rate at which a company enters the market, products or services, and improving the quality of services provided.

The range of services provided by Dominart Real Estate GmbH includes the opening, provision, consultation and support of our clients in the following articles:

- Legal address

Bank account

HR / Recruitment
- Accountant services

Doing Business

Marketing Services

Legal support

Virtual office

Do you need additional information or have any questions? Contact us, we are always available and happy to help you. Leave the application on the site or simply write to our chat, and we will respond to you within a minute, with pleasure providing any necessary information. You can also email us at kontakt@dominartinvest.com or call + 49 (30) 516 417 63.

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