Steglitz is located on the southern outskirts of Berlin and is a District of the city district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf. Here's quiet residential areas, often located in the countryside. In addition to villas districts of Steglitz also has areas with old buildings.
The castle road is in the whole of Berlin for its great shopping opportunities with shops and houses were well known and forms the centre of the district. To the East of it, there are numerous Restaurants, cafes and Bars. With public transport Steglitz is easy to reach.
Dominart Real Estate helps you find exactly the right apartment in Steglitz for you.
Dominart Invest will help you find the right accommodation for you in Steglitz or in any other part of Berlin. If you are planning to buy the perfect apartment in Berlin Steglitz or want to sell your apartment at the best price, we will be happy to help you.
Do you need additional information or have any questions? Contact us, we are always available and happy to help you. Leave the application on the site or simply write to our chat, and we will respond to you within a minute, with pleasure providing any necessary information. You can also email us at or call + 49 (30) 516 417 63.