Spanish Gold Visa Program

The Spanish Gold Visa Program was first launched in September 2013, giving foreign investors and their families the opportunity to become Spanish residents living and working in Spain, enjoying the same rights as Spanish citizens with access to education and health care.

Requirements for the applicant to obtain a resident Gold Visa program are quite simple:

1. The applicant must be a citizen of a country outside the European Union.
2 Age - from 18 years.
3 No criminal record.
4 Availability of medical insurance.
5 Having enough money to live in Spain.

To qualify for a Spanish gold visa, an applicant must be prepared to invest in Spain in one of the following ways:

- Purchase of property in Spain worth at least 500,000 euros.
- Depositing not less than 1,000,000 euros to an account in a Spanish bank for a period of 5 years.
- Investing not less than 1 000 000 euros in the shares of a Spanish company for a period of 5 years.
- An investment of at least 5,000,000 euros in Spanish government bonds for 5 years.

Getting a visa for this program has the following advantages:

- 500,000 euros for the purchase of real estate - this is a relatively low threshold for obtaining a visa in Europe, taking into account all the rights and prospects for obtaining citizenship.
- A golden visa gives its holder the right to live and work in Spain for five years.
- The application may include the investor’s spouse, a child under the age of 18 and parents over the age of 65.
- Investors who live in Spain less than 183 days a year, do not need to pay taxes.
- After five years, investors are entitled to receive a residence permit in Spain.
- After one year of permanent residence, investors may apply for Spanish citizenship and passports.
- Spain is a member of the European Union, and Spanish citizens have the right to live and work without restrictions in any other EU country.
- The Spanish passport is the third most powerful passport in the world and has visa-free access in 175 countries. Areas and countries that Spanish passport holders can enter without a visa include North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, South Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland, all of Western Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, and also Australia.

We have been working in the European real estate market for more than 10 years, focusing on buyers from the CIS countries and China, many of whom have successfully emigrated through investments in the European economy. To learn more about obtaining a visa, residence permit or citizenship in European countries, check out our services or write to our chat or email

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