Family subsidy for home-buying - Baukindergeld

Baukindergeld as a state subsidy (it does not need to be returned) applies to families (and single parents) in which one or more children are brought up. The amount of the benefit is 1,200 euros per child per year. The payment program is designed for 10 years.

Conditions for obtaining Baukindergeld:

You have children under the age of 18 and you receive a child allowance (Kindergeld) for them.

Your household income does not exceed 90,000 euros per year. In the presence of two children, the maximum amount of income increases to 105,000 euros, in the presence of three children - 120,000 euros per year.

The allowance is assigned to families who purchase housing for the first time and will use it for their residence.
The allowance applies to all contracts of sale concluded from January 1, 2018.

Can citizens of other countries permanently residing in Germany use the benefit?

Yes, the main condition for this is the presence of a residence permit, issued at least one year prior to the filing of the application, and the presence of a permanent job.

To apply for benefits in another federal state of Germany, you need to live and work there for at least one year at the time of application. For example, in Bavaria, the amendment Baukindergeld Plus is in force, according to which the annual payment amount is increased by 300 euros and in 10 years will be 15,000 euros.

For additional advice and for any questions about real estate, you can always contact us - in the chat on the website, at or by phone + 49 (30) 516 417 63.

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