Our offer is the free offer is not binding, and does not entail any obligation on the part of potential buyers. The company is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the seller or by a person of information, technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We reserve the right to fix them.
We expressly reserve the right of sale in favor of clients making their first statement about the purchase. We also note that in case of signing of the contract of purchase and sale with the assistance of our company to pay a Commission fee in the amount of 7.14 % of the purchase price.
All data are approximate and are based on information provided to us by the owner of the property.
The information is confidential. Transfer to a third party without our written consent is not allowed and can prove the right to payment of fees.
If the object is offered on the other hand, it must within 5 working days to inform Dоminart Real Estate, specifying the name of the first seller and the date of receipt of the offer. The proposal is considered to be proof of the activity of the broker.