Hamburg is one of the leaders in attracting investors in Germany. Hamburg real estate, whether residential or commercial, is not inferior in terms of liquidity indicators to Berlin and Munich and has approximately the same price level.
Hamburg is a good choice for purchasing an apartment building, especially when it comes to a mixed-type house with a commercial space on the ground floor. This addition will significantly increase the profitability and speed of resale. Pure houses too can be interesting, in this case the main thing is not to be mistaken with the location and correctly predict the future development of the area.
If you are interested in purchasing commercial real estate in Hamburg, you should enlist the support of specialists who have relevant information not only about the objects being sold, but also about the market situation. This will allow to analyze the liquidity of the object before its purchase.
Do you need more information or have any questions? Contact us, we are always available and happy to help you. Leave the application on the site or simply write to our chat, and we will respond to you within a minute, with pleasure providing any necessary information. You can also email us at or call + 49 (30) 516 417 63.
For particularly important issues, you can directly contact me, the founder and director of Dominart Invest.
Sincerely, CEO Dominart Invest,
Sergey Vakhnenko
Tel. 0176 85 65 35 15
Revenue House in Hamburg
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