Moving to Germany as an IT professional

Moving to Germany as an IT professional is an appealing prospect for many in the tech industry, given the country's strong economy, vibrant tech scene, and high quality of life. Here's a comprehensive guide to help IT professionals plan their move to Germany:

1. Assess Eligibility and Visa Requirements

  • Blue Card EU for Germany: This is a residence permit for highly skilled professionals. IT professionals with a university degree and a job offer from a German company with a salary that meets the set threshold can apply for this card.
  • Job Seeker Visa: If you don't have a job offer yet, but have a qualification in IT, you might consider applying for a Job Seeker Visa, which allows you to stay in Germany for up to six months to find a job.

2. Find a Job

  • Job Portals: Websites like LinkedIn, StepStone, and Indeed Germany are great places to start. Additionally, many companies post vacancies directly on their websites.
  • Networking: Joining groups on platforms like Meetup for IT professionals in Germany can provide valuable networking opportunities and insights into the job market.

3. Learn the Language

  • While many IT jobs in Germany may use English as their working language, knowing German will greatly enhance your daily life and integration into the community. Consider taking courses or using language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel.

4. Understand the German Work Culture

  • Work-Life Balance: Germany is known for its work-life balance. Understanding and respecting this culture will help you integrate more smoothly into your new environment.
  • Professionalism: Punctuality and professionalism are highly valued in the German work environment.

5. Sort Out Housing

  • Finding housing in Germany can be challenging, especially in larger cities. Websites like ImmobilienScout24 and WG-Gesucht can be useful. Consider temporary accommodations through Airbnb or similar platforms when you first arrive.

6. Registration, Bank Account, and Health Insurance

  • Registration (Anmeldung): Once you have a permanent address, you must register at the local Residents' Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt).
  • Bank Account: Opening a local bank account is essential. Online banks like N26 and traditional banks like Deutsche Bank are popular choices.
  • Health Insurance: Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. You can choose between public health insurance (GKV) and private health insurance (PKV) based on your income and preferences.

7. Social Integration

  • Integration Courses: Consider taking integration courses offered by the German government, which include language lessons and an introduction to German laws, culture, and history.
  • Expatriate Groups: Join expatriate groups in your city to meet people and learn from their experiences.

8. Stay Informed on Legal Obligations

  • Keep abreast of any changes in immigration laws or policies that may affect your status in Germany. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) website is a reliable source of information.


Moving to Germany as an IT professional involves several steps, from understanding visa requirements to integrating into a new culture. With proper planning and research, you can make your transition smooth and enjoy the professional and personal benefits of living in Germany. Remember, each individual's journey will be unique, so it's important to consult with legal and immigration professionals for advice tailored to your specific situation.

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